

From December 04, 2024 until December 06, 2024
深圳 - 中国广东深圳国际会展中心
分类: 汽车与汽车


深圳国际汽车创新科技周(IATW 2020)。同期活动。 2023年大湾区国际汽车创新科技周将于06年08月2023日至XNUMX日在深圳国际会展中心举行。DR.MARTIN SCHUSTER。汽车内饰和外饰。新能源汽车零部件及技术装备。智能驾驶舱和自动驾驶仪。汽车触摸和传感器技术。

A new scientific and technological revolution, represented by new energies, new materials, artificial intelligent, etc. is currently having a profound and wide-reaching effect on the global economic and social developments. In this context the global automotive industry also finds itself at a historical turning point of transformation and upgrade, and is on the verge of achieving full realization of intelligent and networked transformation and upgrade.

A new generation of manufacturing technology innovation and information technology is integrated with the industrial transformation and intelligent technologies. The automotive industry is slowly transforming from low-tech to high-tech with intelligent networking and mechatronics. The "big travel age" is characterized by technological revolutions, such as autonomous driving, electrification and intelligence. The state has announced a series of positive news to promote the development of "new infrastructure", build charging piles and expand 5G applications.





深圳 - 中国广东深圳国际会展中心 深圳 - 中国广东深圳国际会展中心


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