

From September 26, 2026 until September 30, 2026

At New Orleans - 美国路易斯安那州新奥尔良 Ernest N. Morial 会议中心



分类: 环境与浪费, 工业产品

标签: 环境, , 自学资料库



WEFTEC 2020: The Future of Water. Submit your Tech Spotlights and Pavilion Sessions. You can access your WEFTEC CEUs for 2023. Keep up to date with WEFTEC News. 97th Annual Technical Exhibition & Conference. WEFTEC Sponsors 2024: Diamond, Gold and Silver. Conference-Wide Sponsors. WEFTEC's Official News Source WEFTEC 2020: A Gateway for Innovation and Networking within the Water Sector. WEFTEC Achieves Gold Sustainability Certification.


Take advantage of the opportunity to present your innovative solutions at WEFTEC. You can submit your proposal now if you are an exhibitor who wants to showcase your latest technology at our Technology Spotlights or a Pavilion session.

WEFTEC 已获得 40 多个国家许可委员会的继续教育 (CEU) 批准,适用于专业操作员和工程师。参加者可以 24/7 以电子方式获取继续教育文档。这可用于更新专业许可证。

了解您需要的重要机会、日程安排和详细信息,以最大限度地提高您在 WEFTEC 的体验。了解参展机会、水务行业见解和学习课程。不错过任何重要活动。

Ernest N. Morial Convention CenterNew Orleans, Louisiana USAConference: October 5 - 9, 2024Exhibition: October 7 - 9, 2024.

WEFTEC Now provides timely coverage of important events that occur before, during and after WEFTEC. This resource will serve as a permanent record of previous WEFTEC conferences and provide notices of upcoming opportunities.