
From June 14, 2024 until June 17, 2024

在钦奈 - 印度泰米尔纳德邦钦奈贸易中心




分类: 工程部门

标签: , 模具



IPLAS is South India's largest Plastics Industrial Ecosystem.

Join a strong group of Exhibitors and reach out to highly qualified Visitors.

IPLAS is the leading plastics exhibition in South India. The Tamil Nadu Organising Committee organizes the event.Plastics Manufacturer's Association provides companies with a platform to showcase their technologies, products and services.The show includes a variety of plastics processing machines, raw materials and auxiliaries. It also features moulds, dies, finished products, and auxiliaries.

IPLAS offers a unique opportunity to network with businesses. With an average of 75,000 visitors, and 500 exhibitors representing over 20 countries, IPLAS provides a platform for business connections.With potential customers and business partners. The four-day exhibition offers a concentrated set of business opportunities.On-site program about industry trends and developments. IPLAS offers companies a unique opportunity to generate leads and promote their brand.Learn about the latest technologies and innovations in plastics.

Engage with existing customers to generate new sales leads.

通过成为参展商,您可以展示您的产品和服务并与现有客户互动。 您还将在印度南部创造新的销售线索。 与买家联系以展示您的品牌。 不要错过在印度南部扩大客户群和拓展业务的机会。

IPLAS is a meeting place for the global plastics industry, bringing together plastics machinery manufacturers, raw material suppliers, integrated anciliaries providers, and professionals. It provides a platform for connecting various players within the plastics sector across vertical markets. This promotes collaborations and creates opportunities for growth.