

From March 19, 2025 until March 20, 2025

在伯明翰 - NEC,英格兰,英国



分类: 旅游与旅游业

标签: 旅行用品


英国旅游展 - 英国旅游展

不列颠群岛团体旅游、套餐等的灵感。这是该领域最大的贸易展。旅游趋势和见解。为您的旅行和游览提供灵感。建立关系并建立新的联系。英国旅游及旅游展。您在哪里可以在一个地方找到这三者:霍恩布洛尔号和城镇公告员?英国旅游及旅行展。在 A41 展台探索赫里福德郡。

该节目汇集了为团体创造难忘且独特体验所需的所有灵感。超过200家参展商展示了团体旅游的最佳表现。主题演讲节目内容丰富,由 Blue Badge Guides 进行了鼓舞人心的演讲,还有真人大小的英雄出现。

The atmosphere created by the tourism industry was unparalleled. Visitors were enthused to plan their next vacation!

加入邮件列表并保存下一版的日期,即 19 年 20 月 2025 日至 XNUMX 日。

Mar182024Press ReleasesWhere can you meet a Hornblower and a Town Crier in the same place? The British Tourism & Travel ShowThis week, the British Tourism & Travel Show will return (20-21 March). It will be bursting at the seams with hotels, attractions and destinations ready to entice group tour operators and group travel organisers with a warm welcome. The 200+ exhibitors will have plenty to offer. Do not miss the following highlights: Sample delicious culinary delights...Article.