

德累斯顿·奥斯特恩(Dresdner Ostern)
From March 27, 2025 until March 27, 2025
德累斯顿 - BÖRSE DRESDEN,萨克森,德国

德雷斯顿欧斯特恩 - 德雷斯顿欧斯特恩

萨克森州最美丽的公共集市。保存日期:27月30日至27日。工艺品和复活节装饰品。保存日期:30 年 2025 月 20,000 日至 27 日。拥有 30 株植物的兰花世界。保存日期:2025 年 27 月 30 日至 2025 日。健康与保健。保存日期:XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日至 XNUMX 日。德累斯顿复活节,国际兰花世界春季博览会,适合所有家庭。

DRESDNER EASTER is the biggest and most popular public fair in Dresden. It invites people to "start spring" just before Easter, from March 21st through 24th 2024. International Orchid World is one of Europe's largest and most important orchid exhibitions. The masterful floristry of this special scene made flower dreams a reality! More than 50,000 people were put into the spring spirit with colorful offerings on the themes of gardening and floristry, spring market, family, leisure, handicrafts, and spring markets. A wide variety of offers were also made for a healthy life style, a balanced way of living and physical activity. We created the foundation for a conscious, holistic, and sporty spring 2024 with the theme of health and wellbeing.

下一次德累斯顿复活节定于 27 年 30 月 2025 日至 XNUMX 日举行。

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德累斯顿 - BÖRSE DRESDEN,萨克森,德国 德累斯顿 - BÖRSE DRESDEN,萨克森,德国


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