

From December 12, 2024 until December 12, 2024
西雅图 - 华盛顿州会议中心,华盛顿,美国

西雅图接口| 9年2021月XNUMX日

20 多年的前沿会议。当地 IT 社区教育活动。 INTERFACE 西雅图虚拟 2021/明年见。主题演讲:1 CPE:分享的经验教训:勒索软件修复专家指南布莱恩·米勒 (Brian Miller),FusionTek 联合创始人兼首席执行官。 [1 CPE] 零信任架构。 [1 CPE] 云架构左移 - 保护云部署的最佳实践。

IT 基础设施总是在变化并带来新的挑战。从勒索软件到最新的安全威胁和人工智能,再到对带宽和存储不断增长的需求,几乎不可能了解最新的发展。这次会议旨在提供帮助。我们的会议旨在提供帮助。

您将看到范围广泛的演示文稿、小组讨论和参展商,涵盖信息安全、基础设施云、灾难恢复和通信等主题。 他们还将涵盖最新的创新和实践。

December 9th 20218:30am - 4:30pm.


FusionTek 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Brian Miller。

9:00 - 9'50 AM[1 CPE] Architectures Zero-TrustRubrik presents: Organizations have made significant investments in IT security. They are trying to strengthen their perimeter, endpoint and network protections, as well as application protections. Hackers are able to penetrate these defenses, and target enterprise data including backup data. Ransomware has started to target online backups, encrypting them or deleting. How would you know if your organization had been the victim of an attack? The time required to manually compare each snapshot and sort through millions of documents is a significant amount, and can significantly delay recovery. The entire environment being restored in bulk could result in high data loss, and even weeks of work wasted. We will be discussing how to protect the last line of defence, your backups, in this session. We will go through the anatomy of recovery, best practices and advanced tools, to ensure that you won't have to pay ransom and to recover your data quickly to continue business operations.Information Security.





西雅图 - 华盛顿州会议中心,华盛顿,美国 西雅图 - 华盛顿州会议中心,华盛顿,美国


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