

From December 06, 2024 until December 08, 2024
南非豪登省约翰内斯堡 - 加拉格尔会议中心

- 愤怒博览会

Are you ready to go to the planet rAge? #rAgeExpo2024 starts in... another year of Awesome. rAge is going harder than ever. Unlocking the educational and developmental world in gaming. Doritos Promises a Flavour Burst for BYOC LAN. rAge launches a new Virtual Reality Arena. Carry1st VALZA Cup reveals major sponsors. Roxy's Evolution through the years. Photo Gallery of rAge. Photo Gallery of rAge.

rAge Expo has been bringing South Africa's geek culture, video gaming, technology and esports together for over 20 years. This is the ultimate escapist event where you can immerse yourselves in PC, console and mobile gaming, digital lifestyle gear and gadgets. You will also find creative arts, robotics and esports. Smart home technology and smart home technologies, as well as cosplay and virtual reality. There are also show specials, competitions and giveaways.

用各种各样的东西填满你的想象力。 放开现实。 电子游戏可以让您感受到节拍。 听起来很有趣? rAge 一定会重击您​​的心并激发您的创造力!

The sleep-deprived three-day BYOC LAN, now in its 22nd anniversary, is Southern Africa's biggest BYOC LAN. Are you game? BYOC LAN - a unique experience!

2023 年版的 rAge 比以往任何时候都更大、更好。超过 33 000 名与会者。

2023 年 rAge,也称为Really Awesome Gaming Expo (RAGE),于 8 月 10 日至 33 日在米德兰加拉格尔会议中心举行。超过 000 XNUMX 名与会者。



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南非豪登省约翰内斯堡 - 加拉格尔会议中心 南非豪登省约翰内斯堡 - 加拉格尔会议中心


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