
2024 年英国朗姆酒节

From October 12, 2024 until October 13, 2024
伦敦 - ILEC 会议中心,英格兰,英国
分类: 食品和饮料
标签: 狂欢


Consumer & Trade Day Rum Show. PROUD SPONSORS FOR THE RUMFEST. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER. LATEST SOCIAL UPDATE. The latest updates from our social media feeds. Subscribe & share. Attend Rum Week Events. Bow Bar at Hilton Metropole. Trailer Happiness Events during Rum Week 2023. St Aubin Rum Tasting Evening. Tobago Gold Chocolate Workshop by Anoop Singh Chocolate Rhum Damoiseau presents Burlock x Dirty Dick's.

12日。 - 13号。 2024 年 14 月交易日 2020 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日。

欢迎来到英国优质朗姆酒体验,这是世界上运行时间最长的朗姆酒节 - 现在已经是第 18 年了。 在两天的时间里,参观者将受邀踏上伦敦市中心的朗姆酒探索之旅。 我们希望在那里见到你。

Are you ready to move your business forward? Want to improve your profitability, gain new customers and generate business leads? The UK RumFest is a catalyst for new business opportunities, bringing together hundreds of people to ignite the Rum market. Rum has been projected to overtake Whiskey in popularity due to its versatility. RumFest can only be experienced in person.

Here, buyers and consumers can learn about new brands in the UK & around the world. The UK Rum Festival is the place where the spirits industry can showcase its innovative products and make them more accessible. It's also the place to discover the best opportunities in the UK Rum Festival, which brings the top players from around the globe under one roof.



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伦敦 - ILEC 会议中心,英格兰,英国 伦敦 - ILEC 会议中心,英格兰,英国


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