
2024 年数字化转型博览会

From May 22, 2024 until May 23, 2024
曼彻斯特 - 曼彻斯特中央会议中心,英格兰,英国

DTX 曼彻斯特︱曼彻斯特科技周︱20 月 24 日至 XNUMX 日

UCX Manchester | Manchester Central | 22 - 23 May 2024. DTX London | ExCeL London--2 - 3 October. UCX London--ExCeL London | 2 - 3 October. The North's largest enterprise IT event. Network Infrastructure. IT Operations & Service Management. Data, AI & Automation. Software Development & DevOps. Customer Experience & Contact. Northern Tech Revolution: Powering the Northern Tech Revolution. Join the community by signing up.

DTX ManchesterNorthern Tech Revolution: Powering the Northern Tech RevolutionDTX Manchester brings tech leaders together from all sectors in order to answer tomorrow's question today. Join us to share insights on how you can help your organisation embed innovations, transform data into actionable insight for customers, create products that are exciting, be smart with risk, and allow your team to work from anywhere.This is the biggest gathering of IT and digital professionals in the North (20-24 May 2024). Alongside fringe events and socials the exhibition offers a multitude of opportunities to learn about new solutions, network with peers, and connect with industry leaders.Register Now for Free DSC-7535DSC-7862DSC-8786DSC-9062digital-transformation-expo-2023-1.webp.

DTX 曼彻斯特将各个领域的技术领导者聚集在一起,今天就回答明天的问题。加入我们,分享关于如何帮助您的组织嵌入创新、将数据转化为客户可操作的见解、创造令人兴奋的产品、明智地应对风险以及允许您的团队在任何地方工作的见解。





曼彻斯特 - 曼彻斯特中央会议中心,英格兰,英国 曼彻斯特 - 曼彻斯特中央会议中心,英格兰,英国


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